Friday 22 August 2008

My yearns =0(

My yearns

My darling ........
The cool breeze is gently blowing to me
In the golden lonely evening .....
The time bring to me darkness
It will be soon ....
Become a lonely night
I remembered my past days
How much did we happy together
Those days ..... darling
I was a little boat
Across the wide sea
Lonely ....
I was struggled
Across the wide sea
By storms
But , fearless ....
Today ,
I am happy with
Those storms and waves
I was a sad love story
But, i have to go forward
I believed that about our love
It will never be departed ...
But, you disappeared suddenly
From my life .....
My darling ....
Where ever you were ?
What ever you were ?
You are in my thoughts
Every a single na no second of
My painful lonely nights
Every a single na no second of
My suffering upon you
My yearning upon you

My darling ...
I will leave behind
The golden lonely evening
I will forget my lonely time
I have to the future
With my suffered heart
I will miss you ...
With my deepest thoughts
Even , we were so far away
Thanks for every things
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michael Ko Copyright ©2008

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