Sunday 3 August 2008

Love: This Soul has within her the mistress of the Virtues, whom one calls Divine Love, who has transformed ..................

The Mirror of Simple Souls
Love: This Soul has within her the mistress of the Virtues, whom one calls Divine Love, who has transformed her completely into herself, is united to her, and which is why this Soul belongs neither to herself nor to the Virtues.

Reason: But who are you, Love? says Reason. Are not you one of the Virtues with us even though you be above us?

Love: I am God, says Love, for Love is God and God is Love, and this Soul is God by the condition of Love. l am God by divine nature and this Soul is God by righteousness of Love. Thus this precious beloved of mine is taught and guided by me, without herself, for she is transformed into me, and such a perfect one, says Love, takes my nourishment.

-- Marguerite Porete (?-1310)

We know very little about Marguerite Porete, only that she was a beguine from Hainaut who was burned at the stake as a relapsed "heretic" in 1310. She might have been a solitary itinerant beguine who expounded her teachings to interested listeners. She wrote, "The Mirror of Simple Souls", in Old French sometime between 1296 and 1306. (The Mirror of Simple Souls. The Classics of Western Spirituality series, Paulist Press)

Remember the thousands of heretics and lovers of God
"Most social religions are of recent origin," said the mystic adept, "but love and God existed even before the creation of the world. And so, if you find any person who becomes a victim of love, you should never call him an unbeliever. It is impossible to confine the concept of love to the human and temporal levels. Remember the thousands of so-called heretics and lovers of God who have been condemned as 'unbelievers' because of their all-embracing approach to the supreme Lord of Love."

"All beautiful forms and tones of this world are mere reflections of some aspect of that ultimate Love-Music of the Great Creative Word. Within the vast complex of creation, each individual spirit is himself/herself a spark of that Eternal Song of Love."

"There are those who have wandered among the darting comets and the shimmering orbs of sounding fire. The soul-explorer is not alone, for there are those who have traveled the highways of the inner cosmos; far more than one may at first realize."

-- George Arnsby Jones, from his visionary mystical book, The Pilgrimage of James -- An Odyssey of Inner Space, Peacehaven Press

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