Sunday 17 August 2008

My untold miseries are concerning about you , darling ...... =(

My untold miseries are concerning about you , darling ...

My darling ...
Do you know ?
The golden evenings !!!
i respect them
Because of ...
They've made me
To remember about you
Daily in my life
I know that ...
The Rainbow
Can not be survived alone
Without a plasma light
From the sun
So, what about
The golden evenings ?

My darling ...
When you see the golden colors
In the sky .....
In the west .....
Please remember about me

My darling
Even , we are in so far
Different places
You can respect with me
The golden evenings
How did it make us ?
About the miseries of us ...
How much am i suffering ?

May be you do not know
About untold miseries
Because of ... So much
Concerning about you ...
I have a unsolved puzzle for it

My darling ....
Please ... Do paint
The whitest clouds
With the thousand colors
So , you will feel with me
All of about the miseries
Will became ecstatic feelings
Before the sun set
Please , Do paint
Golden colors
In the whitest clouds
So, you will respect
The golden evenings are
Remembrances of us
And then ...
The flowers can sleep, peacefully
After the Sun set ...

My darling ....
Remembering of the golden evenings
Shall I sleep in bliss ?
To forget untold miseries
About you ...
My darling sweet heart ...

Compose by Michael-ko <3 copyright © 2008

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