Sunday 31 August 2008

“Herida por amor” - "Hurt by love "

“Herida por amor”

Lo siento.....
el temor que quedó en mi corazón
es una herida que no me ayuda a creer en el amor
así como lo hacia antes;
y …… mi corazón llora a gritos
Ya no sé qué hacer,
Puedes decírmelo por favor?
Sólo me queda llorar
Para que la sensibilidad vuelva otra vez a mis lagrimas de dolor;
ahora extraño tu dulzura
extraño tus sonrisas
extraño tu tiempo para mi...

Como una paloma quiero volar al infinito
quiero tener alas suaves y delicadas
acariciar tu rostro feliz
y besar tus ojos hasta gastarlos,
con ojos llenos de luz,
esa luz que también me ciega
cuando imagino el amor, la dulzura que para siempre me puedes dar.

Ayudame con tu paciencia y amor infinito mi amor!

Por: Ivette “una princesita de Dios”

"Hurt by love "

I'm sorry.....
The dread that stayed in my Herat
Is a wound that does not help me to believe in the love,
There since it towards befote,
And … … my heart cries vociferously Already do not be what to do,
You Can say it to me please?
Only I can only cry In order that
The sensibility returns again to my tears of pain;
Now I miss your sweetness
I miss your smiles
I miss your time for my...

As a dove I want to fly to the infinite
I want have soft and delicate wings
To caress your happy face
And to kiss them up to consuming them
With eyes full of Light
This light that also blinds me
When I imagine the love,
The sweetness that forever you can give me

Help me with your patience and infinite love my love!

By: Ivette " A God's princesita "

Saturday 30 August 2008

My beloved , love's flower !!!

My beloved , love's flower !!!

Absolutely given blue rays
The arts' circle ....
With your full moon's nights
You have so good smell
On the tree ...
Even , when you're falling down
On the earth ...
You are a beautiful flower
Blossoming in the highest places
You are my reality love
A great Love's flower
After you're falling ...
To the Kindnesses river
I am losing you day after day
My beloved , Love' flower
When can i kiss your
Leaves of Love ...?
When shall i drink your
Liquid of Love ...?
I believe that i will kiss ...
Your leaves of love, again
Till your became
To rest in my heart
I believe that i shall drink ...
Your liquid of love, again
Till my heart will grow
With a new power
Now, i am alone
Where are you now ?
Where did you go ?
My beloved , love's flower !!! =(

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

To my darling ....... ( Version . 7 )

Why ? Darling .... Why?

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover for you
Who Love you with my sincere Love ....

My passions have been governed by you
My life is just for you ....
My longing days are set up for your love
Will you be unbearable pity for my suffering ?
My darling ....
You brings ecstasy
You relieves my loneliness .....
And then ....
You ran away .....
Why ?
I do wish to understand for my pity heart
By my little knowledge ....
I do wish to know
Why your eyes look like the stars shine .... ?
I do think about it ... again and again
Why ? darling .... why?
My cries of pains for those
Days and nights ...
But I can not,
And I too suffer ....
And I became tearless

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
I have to tell you more .... and more
About my love ...
Will you listen to me ?
So you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about all of my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

To my darling ....... ( Version . 6 )

I shall never die with my Love upon you

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you with my sincere Love ....

My darling ........
My kindnesses were never wasted
My love were never wasted
My heart were never wasted
I am a difference of yours
You will bless with my kindnesses
You will bless with my soul
I will not be regretted with your Love
I shall never die with my kindnesses upon you
I shall never die with my soul upon you
I shall never die with my Love upon you
My darling sweet heart

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Friday 29 August 2008

The beings of Light….... Los seres de Luz

Mariluz1325 wrote on Aug 29
Los seres de Luz.... encabezados por Guerreros
y guardianes.... los visitarán sin remedio y la Luz
será en ustedes y ustedes serán en la Luz......
Esta es la sinfonía de almas mas hermosa que se
pueda soñar . . . seremos UNO.
Mi amor se queda con ustedes....eternamente...Mariluz
The beings of Light…. headed by Soldiers and guardians….
they will visit without remedy and the Light he will be in
you and you will be in the Light ...... This is the beautiful
symphony of souls but that it can dream… we will be ONE
. My love remains with you….eternally… Mariluz
Thanks Indeed - Miko =)

The power of my love is meant that... without Gravity on this Earth ;)

The power of my love is meant that... without Gravity on this Earth ;) .............

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you with my sincere Love ....

I love you that ...

If you think..... like

Gravitation is responsible for

My falling in love with you ?

We should go to the galaxies

And I could be testified

With my heart again that

How much I love you darling

So, you will know that

The power of my love is meant

Without Gravity on this Earth ;)

My darling sweet heart
So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008