Thursday 31 July 2008

My simple Love is for you ( Part . 2 ) =(

My simple Love is for you ( Part . 2 )

My darling .......
Changeable peoples
Changeable cities
Changeable civilization
Changeable science
Changeable thoughts
Changeable seasons
Changeable politics
Changeable words
Changeable soul
Changeable love
Changeable world
But ......
I do not change my love
For you darling ....
I love you ... so much

How many billions miles ... ?
Even, we are so far away
In the edge of Universes
In the bottom of black hole
Above the clouds
Beneath the sea floor
Top of the Mt., Everest
Inside the Amazon jungle
Believe me darling
We will not be departed
Any more .....
Any kind of reasons
Promise to me
My Darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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