Friday 4 July 2008

A sad Love story from the Love dream's nightmare .....

A sad Love story from the Love dream's nightmare .....

I was standing near the window
Facing in the computer screen
i am not sure that you will come ...
But, i still waiting ......
Till i was slept in front of my computer desk
But .....
You came in the time ...
When I was slept between the time ....
You leave me a message to me
" Why don't you come ... Bye " =(

I was composing the love poems
Digging till the Last Love's words
I know you will read ...
All of my sad poems with tearless
But ........
I was tearing with my eyes ...
Composing my Last Love poems
Till my eyes are sored
I've slept on my desk
But ..............
You came in the time ...
In my dream ....
To give me a last kiss on my lips
And i was waken up ....
From the Love's dream's nightmare
I couldn't finish my Last Love poem
Till my heart was pained
In the deepest part ...

I was standing in front of the sea
Facing the teasing waves to my face
With their sea water spray
I know you will throw
A Love letter in a bottle ...
To read for me ..... =(
Across this blue sea to arrive me
Till i was waiting my days and nights
Older than older ... till my eyes
Became a blind man ....
I was waiting in front of this sea
Even , The Love letter's bottle
Reached ... in front of me ....
In the white sanded beach
In this sorrow beach
In this sun set beach
I was watching the sun
Till sank in the west ...
I couldn't read your Love letter
In this time ....
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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