Wednesday 9 July 2008

Even, we can love in the dreams =)

Even, we can love in the dreams ...

My darling ............
Kindly my heart was brunt down
Because of ......
I watched your eyes..... darling

Innocent my tears dropped down
Because of .....
I saw your tear's drops .... darling

Active my nerve were so tired , now
Because of ...
I didn't get any response.... darling

My red blood streams is going to be faster
Because of ...
I got your soul .... darling

I wanted my days and nights
To be with you ....
I wanted the vacumn atmosphere between us
Without gravity on this earth
like in the space ....
So, we can float on the clouds
And ........
Even, we can love in the dreams ;)

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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