Saturday 12 July 2008

Love's sea and a fisher man =(

         Love's sea and a fisher man =(  

One day .......
A fisher man
Sailed to the sea
To look for the fishes
In the wide sea ............
Some time he got
A lot of fishes =)
Some time he got
Nothing with empty hands =(
One day ....
The storm destroyed his yacht
Since the stormed days
The fisher man's wife
Waiting for him on the beach
Day after day .........
He didn't come back from the sea
So, she didn't get the fishes of sea =(
How is sad and sorrow story darling ?

My darling ...
I was a fisher man of you
I came to your Love's sea
As to get your Love's fishes
Some time i get yours
Some time i don't ....
Why don't you give me
Every day ... that i wanted
You've changed your mood
My life is stormed
Since the days .....
You've disappeared ....
I didn't get the fishes of love
Why didn't you response me ?
I wanted the fishes as your love
Every day from you ...
Why don't you come to live with me
I am waiting for you day after day
From you as i loved your Love's sea
As i've loved your Love's fishes
My darling sweet heart .......

Compose by Michaelko    
    copyright ©2008

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