Wednesday 18 June 2008

A love journey with you :)

A love journey with you

In the sun rise
From the east
Before the fog's gone away
The sun rays come with hopes
The birds are getting up
To find for a food
A journey is preparing
They will sing Love songs
On their way........
My darling .....
I am getting up with
Singing birds ...
When they are singing
I am so much remembering to you

All my disappointments left behind
Together with yesterday
I will go today with new hopes
I will go today with new desires
I will reach my soul to you
I will work hard with my heart
Today .... for you and for me
Before we meet in our paradise
I have to travel this journey to you
So, my darling .....
Before you arrive to me
You have to be strong with my soul
Keep with me to the future
So , you will be happy with me
Today , even we are far away
My darling sweet heart ......

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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