Thursday 19 June 2008

Darling .... Can you tell me before you will cry? ;(

Darling .... Can you tell me before you will cry
? ;( =============================================================

My darling ....
Can you explain me ?
Why your face is so ignoring to me ....
Before you are crying
The appearances of your face
It is like the dark clouds in the sky
Before it is rainy .....
Why don't you tell me before you crying ?
I do not understand about it ?
Please don't do like this ... always
Because, I am so scared about it
It's that time is so long for me... darling
I can't wait the time till you start crying
Do you know what i mean ...... ?
Tell me frankly why you want to cry .......
When you will cry ....
I will rub your body softly

I will embrace your body tightly
And tell me about what happen to you
All of things in your mind ...
Why did you want to cry about me ?
I will put your body in my chest
And kiss your fore head gently
So, you won't cry so much
That i believe in you ....
Darling my sweet heart ....

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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