Monday 30 June 2008



Zijiang Ding Philosophy
The human dilemma of love versus hatred has existed throughout development of both Western and Eastern civilization. “Love” is a central concept, a basic ideal and an important practice in Eastern culture. It is a loose term, however, and troubles researchers not only because of its wide range in everyday usage, but also because it is one of those words charged with emotional content. Any systematic examination of love in Eastern civilization would have to take into account the way cultural differentiation has been moved by the complex associations of interpretation, explanation, conceptualization, and theorization of love. For this purpose, this article examines the Eastern concept of love through the following five spiritual sources: Hinduism, Buddhism, Daoism, Confucianism,
and Moism.............

A Romantic love dinner =)

    A Romantic love dinner

My darling .........
I am feeling so lonely
Without your kind voices
I am always looking at ....
My email inbox ....
I am hoping that an email from you
I wish that you will come
The date, you told me
The time, you told me
The place, you told me
The flowers are without you ...
I don't think so, they are beautiful ....... ?
I will make a flower crown
For you ....darling .....
Will you put in your beautiful neck ?
I will compose a lyric of love song
For you....darling ...
Will you listen my love song to you ?
I will prepare my love dishes
For you ... darling ...
Will you enjoy with my love meals ?
I will write with love words as my love poem
For you .... darling ...
I will read in our love dinner ...
Under the Love candle light
If you don't like my poems
I will tear out my poems sheets
And i will try to write again ....
And again ...
Till you'd like my love poems
Even, my love song are no good for you
I will compose ... again and again
Till you would like my love songs
The flowers are without putting in your neck
The love songs are without listening with your heart
The love poems are without-reading with my heart
You will not feel like ... A Romantic love dinner
With me darling ..... ;)

 Compose by Michaelko        copyright ©2008

i'll cry out like a blue sky

i'll cry out like a blue sky
My darling.......
To get you ... for my life
I've watched the blue sky
With my teary eyes .....:[
The sky couldn't keep her tears
When she saw my tears in my eyes
So, she cried out ... suddenly ... x(
And ....
The sky is, ... became
The clear smiled blue sky
So, I became a smile
In my face .... :)
Later, I have a beautiful dream in the night
That ..... After i cried out like a sky .... =)
Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Sunday 29 June 2008

So, is that she .... the same ??? =(

So, is that she .... the same ??? ===============================================

Is that clouds
Is that fog
It wasn't clear
In my views
Is that she saying
Greeting to me ? or
Is that she saying
Goodbye to me ?
It wasn't clear
In my views
If i will try touch the clouds
It might be run away
From my views ......
So, is that she .... the same ?

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Saturday 28 June 2008

I don't want to live ... So far away from you .....

I don't want to live ... So far away from you .....

Oh my darling ... moon
Please, shine upon me
I don't want to live that
So far away from you
Without moon light ...
When i am missing you
So many days ... darling
How can i pass ?
Those days without you
I have so much in pain
To continue my life ...
I don't want to live that
So far away from you
I wanted to know about me
With these my sad poems
When The stars lights
Shining over you ...
I can't wait to kiss your cheek
Till you will give me permission
I don't want to go through
This summer without you
Your heart's beats are
The sweetest melodies in my ears
My darling sweet heart ...
I can see your soul
In the Moon light
Even , I can hear some of
Your calling voices
From the Moon surface ....
How can i finish ?
These so hot days in my heart
I don't want to live that
So far away from you .....

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

I will yearn upon you , till i have conscience .....

I will yearn upon you , till i have conscience .....

The color of the summer kisses
It is pink darling .....
The touches of the summer kisses
It is so warm darling .....
The breath of the summer kisses
It is not cool darling .....
In the summer ......
When do you kiss to me ?
I am waiting for you .....

Oh ...I love you my beloved flower
I am missing you ....
Don't run away ... just little scent
That you gave me ....
It is made my heart is burning
With hundred times sun light

Oh ...I love you my beloved darling
I am missing you ....
Don't run away ... just a wink
That you gave me ....
It is made my heart is burning
With hundred times sun light

Oh .... my beloved flower
After i love you ....
Even ... you've gone silently
Without any notice to me
Even ... you've gone with the wind
For your enjoyment
I will get your scent of smell
Till my breath is end ......
I will wait your coming again
Till the next summer ......
I will yearn upon you
Till i have conscience ......

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

My darling , I won't let you cry .....


 My darling , I won't let you run away from me  

My darling .....
When the wild wind ...come
You was in my chest
With your teary eyes ....
And looked my eyes
It is mean that ....
You will cry on my chest, soon
How can i stop in this moment :( ?

My darling ....
When the sun set in the west
You were on my shoulder
With your teary eyes ....
And looked my eyes
It is mean that ....
You will cry on my shoulder, soon
How can i stop in this moment :( ?

My darling ....
When The love's rian drops come on the earth
We were hugging tightly each other
But, when you see the thunder storms
You was so scared that i knew
With your teary eyes ....
And looked my eyes
It is mean that ....
You will run away, soon
How can i do in this moment :( ?

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008