Thursday 31 July 2008

My simple Love is for you ( Part . 2 ) =(

My simple Love is for you ( Part . 2 )

My darling .......
Changeable peoples
Changeable cities
Changeable civilization
Changeable science
Changeable thoughts
Changeable seasons
Changeable politics
Changeable words
Changeable soul
Changeable love
Changeable world
But ......
I do not change my love
For you darling ....
I love you ... so much

How many billions miles ... ?
Even, we are so far away
In the edge of Universes
In the bottom of black hole
Above the clouds
Beneath the sea floor
Top of the Mt., Everest
Inside the Amazon jungle
Believe me darling
We will not be departed
Any more .....
Any kind of reasons
Promise to me
My Darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Wednesday 30 July 2008

Oh My Lord My God ... How great to be with her =(

Oh My Lord My God ... How great to be with her =(


Oh My Lord ... my God ....
Please give me her immediately
To my heart to be near me
Oh my lord my God ....
Please touch her with my soul
Her inner love with my words
Waken up her with my love
Grow up her with my touch
Oh lord my God ....
I will touch her with my soul
Every day of my living life with you
To know her my love
I will pray to my Lord ....
In my daily prayer for you
How great with her !!!
Oh my lord ...
I loved you the same
I love her .....

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Monday 28 July 2008

You took my love away =(

You took my love away


My darling ....
I am regretted with my words
May be rude words for you
I felt so much about it for you
I will be careful with my words
Upon you ... in the future ...
I am regretted with your tears
May be ... i was careless about you
I didn't realized it till you was crying
You told me that you will lose
Always with my words ...
Always with my touches ...
Always with my eyes ...
Always with my tears ...
My darling ....
How can i forget with
Your words ....?
My darling ...
While , you've left me
My love was being lost
In your deeply words
In the same time ...
Even , i might have bitterness upon you
My love was remained in your heart
Forever , with you darling
I will be never lost again
Do you know it ?
My darling .....
I don't have many words
In my mouth ...
But, i knew that you took
My love ... and away
With you ...
My darling sweet heart ...

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Sunday 27 July 2008

What is LOVE?


I am fear of your words

I am fear of your words
My darling
Your words are so beautiful
As my daily prayerCompose by Michael ko
Your singing is touching
In my heart a melody
Your whisper calling voices are
As the sun sink in the sea
I am no fear of every thing
But , i am fear your words
As my daily prayer
To my lord ......

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Be humble with your love upon me ? =)

Be humble with your love upon me ? =======================================

My darling ...
If you hear my heart beats
Please , declare your love upon me
Do not be shy ?
It is about love , my darling

If you know my words are
What is it meaning to you ?
Please , declare your feeling upon me
Do not be shy ?
It is about love , my darling

If you know my love is to you
Please , Be humble with your love upon me
Do not pride yourself ?
To keep your love
It is about love , my darling

Compose by copyright ©2008

Friday 25 July 2008

My darling , Any kind of reason ... don't leave me alone =(

My darling , Any kind of reason ... don't leave me alone =(

Oh my darling
Why are you forgetting about me ?
Any kind of reason ...
I do not want to be departed
With you my darling
Why are so torturing me
I want to tell you
About my heart felt
Feeling with you darling
I do not want to talk about
Heart aches words to you
I want to make sure that
Your heart is deeply touched by my words
My heart is so pained about you
My darling in my every days
I couldn't count ....
My sleepless nights for you
Actually ...
Every body know about it
But , i will not be shame
About it .....
My yearning upon you
In my daily life ....
Any kind of reason
Why do you have to ignore me ?
My darling sweet heart ...
Tell me your reasons clearly ?
If the conditions like this ....
My life is will not be long
My darling sweet heart .....

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008