Thursday 18 September 2008

LOVE theory ;)

Don't let your pride get in the way of you relationship.
Never treat your partner like a child.
Treat tour partner like a king or queen.
If one partner owes an apology don't make it any harder
to apologize than it need to be.

Don't look to private things in general they're private for a reason.
Remember no body's perfect and that goes a long way.
Never order your partner around,
your partner is your equal not your servant.
Don't be afraid to ask why...
Don't be afraid for the answer in talking and listening you stand to become closer than ever.

When you aim to hurt, you maybe hurting yourself even more Remember !
Trust does not come overnight build it and it will come.
Why it is important for man and woman to be open and honest about their feelings for one another, including the way they express their affection ?
But why it is difficult to be open about such personal matters ?

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