Friday 26 September 2008

Love is meant that.... as my dreams ... ? ;)

Love is meant that.... as my dreams ... ?

My darling ....
I wished to see you
So, I thought ....
If I am a cloud
I could reach you
So, I dreamed myself
As a cloud ....
And I reached near you
Even , you didn't know that
I dreamed .....

My darling ....
I wanted to know that
How much i love you ...
So, I climbed up the high cliff
And ...
I jumped to the sea
I had a great feeling that
Same as ......
When I made to love you that
I dreamed .....

My darling ....
I wanted to know that
How much i love you ...
So, I climbed up the highest mountains of Himalaya
And ...
I shoutted out to the atmosphere
I had a great feeling that
Same as ......
When I made to love you that
I dreamed .....

My darling ....
I wanted to know that
How much i love you ...
So, I drank all of sea water in this world
And ...
I was so thirsty after that
So, It was the same as ......
When I made to love you that
I dreamed .....

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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