Tuesday 30 September 2008

To my darling ....... ( Version . 29 )

Love is a peaceful thing that i heard

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you
With my endless Love ....

My darling .....
The burning sun is .......
The hottest things that i heard
Now, It is mistaken that
Since, you've left me from the days
My heart is burning days after days
Now, I can prove it my darling
If you come and touch my burning heart
It is hotter than the burning sun
Do you know that ... ?
Love is a peaceful thing that i heard
Now, It is mistaken that
Since, you've left me from the days
My heart is burning days after days
I do not need your hatred Love anymore
I don't want to get my heart in burning
Now, i am waiting for you ...
To cool down my heart burning
My darling sweet heart ...

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So, you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

To my darling ....... ( Version . 28 )

Now, i am regretted so much darling

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you
With my endless Love ....

My darling .........
When I've lived under your kindness
I didn't care about your love
Now, i am so regretted darling
But, it was too late for me ....
For as long as ...
I have to hurt my heart by myself
I didn't care about you
When i got your love
Now, i am so regretted darling
I thought it was ....
As a free grift from my Lord
It will be always with me
Now, i am so regratted darling
You are my wild flowers
You can blossoming in anytime
I thought that ...
To kiss or to leave
I didn't care about you
When i got your love
Now, i am regretted so much darling
My darling sweet heart ...

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So, you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Monday 29 September 2008

Love is meant too late to know for us .... ? =(

Love is meant too late to know for us ....? =====================================

My darling .....
You are always my beyond imagination.....
Every comparison ...... made no win
Even with father or mother .....
Love is not what you imagine or think
You understand me ..... =(
If you understand about Love ,
In the time you have failed
In the time you have shared
In the time you have missed
In the time you have yearned
You have lost in something inside
You have cried out many times
You have smiled several times
You have laughed several times
You must be in emptiness
You must be in stillness
You must be in thirsty
You must be as a hunger
Love is meant that
Too late to know for us .... ?
In the time you are not
A dream's lover anymore ...and
If the seeds of love will grow
In the time ......
I will reap your fruits of love
My darling sweet heart .... <3<3

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Why the daysw are so long .... darling ... without you ... =(

Why the daysw are so long .... darling ... without you ...

Why the words are so touching ... if you know that ....
Plz, answer me ... <3

Sunday 28 September 2008

Darling ... the little singing birds are my messenger .... =(

Darling ... the little singing birds are my messenger .... =(


My darling .....
I might be so far away from you
But , you should know that
My soul of love is near to you
I am watching your every single movement
My thoughts drift by the wind
And you will see as the clouds
Every single smile of you that
I wanted to record in my old golden diary
So, i sent to you the little singing birds
As my messenger .... near to you
Every single cry of you that
I wanted to record in my old golden diary
So, i sent to you the little singing birds
As my messenger ....near to you
They will tell me about you ....later
So, I can write love poems for you
My records of our love will be never end
The music of angles .... hearing days
The welcoming the days of the angles
Till ... i will write for Love's records
I am missing you so much that ...
I am feeling you so much that ...
I am yearning you so much that ...
As a legend of our love ...
In this world ....
My darling sweet heart.
Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Understanding Abstract Art =)

Understanding Abstract Art :
Given the possibility for multiple interpretations, how can one know what an abstract painting really means?

Friday 26 September 2008

To my darling ....... ( Version . 27 )

I wished you, to know about it .., My long yearning days .

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you
With my endless Love ....

My darling ....
In my golden days .........
You've te ached me , how to love
You've te ached me , how to cry
You've rested on my shoulder
Just, a few minutes
But, I've remembered
For my the whole life
My heart is you ....
Only you ..... darling
Even, my heart is so painful though
I shall try to smile for you
When I met you ....
You gave me a na-no second of smile
But, I remembered
For my the whole life
My darling ....
You've te ached me , how to love
You've te ached me , how to cry
Even, my heart is hurt ........
I will be continue to love upon you
When you left me with your laughter's
The echos of your voices,
Till threaten to my heart
My long yearning days ......
Still remaining endlessly
In my day dreams ....
With full of nightmares about you
My darling sweet heart ...

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So, you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008