Thursday 2 October 2008

To my darling ....... ( Version . 30 )

When the Love rainbow is bending to my heart ....

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you
With my endless Love ....

My darling ........ <3
When the love rainbow is bending to my heart ....
In the time ...
I wished to make love my darling
Under the blue sky ...........
When the rainbow is touching my skin
I will start my love journey to your skin
From head to toes ........
The shower of the rainbow
Shall make us in fresh in our love making
On this green grass .....
Do you hear my heart's beats darling ?
Do you hear my sweetest love words darling ?
If you are near to me ...
I wished to kiss your grace neck ?
When i get your perfume of scent to my nose
I will not control my love upon you anymore
In the time .... you can hug my shoulder tightly
Never releasing from me ....
When the stars come ....
When the moon come .....
Our love journey will continue
Till we can see the Gemini of stars sign
My darling sweet heart ...

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So, you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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