Thursday 2 October 2008

To my darling ....... ( Version . 31 )

I might forget to sing a love song for you , Because .... ?
My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you
With my endless Love ....

My darling .....
See the colorful coulds
It might be your love of between dreams
I am watching to the sky darling
I knew that i had a love song
Which I kept in silent ....
For you darling ....
It might be my Kindness
It might be my Bitterness
It might be my Happiness
It might be my Cries
It might be my Love
My dear Darling ... see the birds
They are flying with their freedom
Why don't you want to be like this ?
You might have kept in silent a love song for me
The flowers are flowing their liquids
Persuading suck the bees
Why do not want to be like this ?
When I am seeing the colorful coulds
I might forget to sing a love song
Because, I am dreaming about you darling
It might be your heart's beats
It might be your kindness
It might be your softly touches
It might be your gentle kisses
It might be your love
My darling sweet heart

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So, you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days are for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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