Wednesday 22 October 2008

To my darling ........ ( Version 38 )

My Soul lover
My darling .....

When the flowers are ...
Waiting for the dawn
In the same time
I will get your love's greeting
From the singing birds
In the same time
I shall receive your love's scent
From the blossoming flowers
When the sunrise ....
The rays of light
Will wrapped me
I will assume as your hands
I will feel ......
The warmth of your love in my heart
When the cool breeze wind blow
To my body ...
I knew that ...
Your soul of love will be travel
Far away from me ...

My darling sweet heart ....
Even, you are in a million of miles.. miles far away
From me ....
Even, You could live in a another Galaxy
I can feel your love
I can feel your soul of heart
It shall reach me
It shall touch me
Without a doubt ....
Just, i am started yearning about you
From my heart ....
Your soul of love is ... shall reach me
Near my heart ....
Your love of images are in every where
I can see with my heart ...
Even though, The earth of gravity
Shall not affect my heart beating
If, i wish you ... every time
You will reach me that i knew
I shall not accept
Others love stories are so romantic like
Our love on this earth .....

My darling .....
I might be so far away from you
But , you should know that
My soul of love is near to you
I am watching your every single movement
My thoughts drift by the wind
And you will see as the clouds near to you
Every single smile of you that
I wanted to record in my old golden diary
So, i sent to you the little singing birds
As my messenger .... near to you

Every single cry of you that
I wanted to record in my old golden diary
So, i sent to you the little singing birds
As my messenger ....near to you

They will tell me about you ....later
So, I can write love poems for you
My records of our love will be never end
The angle of music ....
The angle of welcoming the days
Till ... i will write for our Love's records
I am missing you so much that ...
I am feeling you so much that ...
I am yearning you so much that ...
As a legend of our love ...
In this world ....
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

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