Friday 24 October 2008

To my darling ........ ( Version 39 )

My Darling ...., if ?....
I am not a lover
Who does not love forever
But, if ?....
I am a lover of you
Who Love you
With my endless Love ....

There are our love's journey
We have to go ... unseen roads
But, they do not reach the end
We are in the different directions

Through the dark lonely hills
Climb up the cliffs ....
Swiftly the changing seasons pass
Like autumn river water...
On quiet cold mountains
Among mist-wrapped vines
And rocky caves
With the white clouds
Since I am mindless feeling
There are our love's journey
Never end .......
Who can rouse my thoughts?
On a bed of stone
I am sitting ........
Alone in the night,
I miss you too much
In this love's journey
Without you .....

My darling ....
" Let me walk with you " ?
In the forest .....
You know about me ....that
I love the Nature of forest
I love the Nature of sky
I love the Nature of river
I love the Nature of clouds
I love the Nature of singing birds
I love the Nature of flowers
I love the Nature of butter flies
I love the Nature of forest
I love the Nature of smiles
I love the Nature of your body
" Let me see them " with you
The beautiful blending things...
I will not be terrified to know
Death and life, if you are with me
The joyous inseparable unity
In my heart with you ...
I will learn about your love
In woods and meadows
In the plains and mountains
In the streams and rivers
In the sky and universes
In the soul and your body
" Let me walk with you " ?
My darling sweet heart .

So, there is no need to hide
For my crazy love upon you
But, i have to tell you more ....
About my love ...
So, you can understand about my love
Before we die ....
I wanted to confess about my love to you
Because , other wise ...
You will never know about my Love
My love is my heart
My heart is to be alive for you
So , my living days is for you
If my heart is beating,
It is meant that .....
I am loving you all the time
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Thursday 23 October 2008

Waiting =)


My darling ......
When i thought to you sometime
I wish to kiss the clouds as your face
Shall you let me it ?
I have a Love's ocean in my heart
So,will you live me as a fish ?
I respect the stars twinkle lights
Even, I can't see them in sunlight
If your gave a smile like a twinkle star
I shall give you back ...
My heart as a moon
So, you and me ....
Can meet in night sky ...
My darling ......
I am a hero for you
In the night sky
To defeat the evil
If you call to me ...
The echo of your calling
Before they reach me
I wanted to give the clouds
A gentle kiss ...
As your face ...
Shall you agree ?
My darling ....
Just , i needed a night sky
Tonight to make a love to you
If you give me this chance
I shall not control
My love words upon you
When i see you
My love words will naturally be dropped
From my mouth ... to you
Flowing like a river
So, you can listen
In my chest ...
Gazing at my eyes
If i will kiss your lips
Can you do for me ?
Your eyes like twinkle stars
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Wednesday 22 October 2008

I becomes a poet of you =)

I becomes a poet of you
My darling .....
At a touch of love' words
In my heart .....
I becomes a poet of you
My words are coming from your soul
My words are coming from your desire
My words are coming from your Love
My words are coming from my Love
There is no way to know
How much i love for you
But, I know to love you more ....
You gives me your strength ....
About to love and be loved
You gives me your courage ....
About to love and be loved
My great love upon you
Will be never end .....
There are my wishes upon you
Will be never end .....
A secret of love between us
Nobody know .....
But, I know by my heart
My darling sweet heart


Me convierto en su poeta

en un toque de palabras de amor
mi corazón...
se convierte en su poeta
mis palabras son provenientes de su alma
mis palabras son procedentes de su deseo
mis palabras son procedentes de su amor
mis palabras son procedentes de mi amor

No hay manera de saber
¿cuánto es lo mucho que la amo?
sin embargo, sé que la amo más...
usted me da su fuerza...
Respecto a amar y ser amado;
usted me da su valor...
respecto a amar y ser amado;

Mi gran amor a usted
nunca tendrá final...
no son mis deseos a usted;
nunca tendrá final...
un secreto de amor entre nosotros,
nadie sabe...;
sin embargo, lo sé por mi corazón.

Mi querida dulce corazón

Compuesto por Michaelko Derechos de autor @2008

To my darling ........ ( Version 38 )

My Soul lover
My darling .....

When the flowers are ...
Waiting for the dawn
In the same time
I will get your love's greeting
From the singing birds
In the same time
I shall receive your love's scent
From the blossoming flowers
When the sunrise ....
The rays of light
Will wrapped me
I will assume as your hands
I will feel ......
The warmth of your love in my heart
When the cool breeze wind blow
To my body ...
I knew that ...
Your soul of love will be travel
Far away from me ...

My darling sweet heart ....
Even, you are in a million of miles.. miles far away
From me ....
Even, You could live in a another Galaxy
I can feel your love
I can feel your soul of heart
It shall reach me
It shall touch me
Without a doubt ....
Just, i am started yearning about you
From my heart ....
Your soul of love is ... shall reach me
Near my heart ....
Your love of images are in every where
I can see with my heart ...
Even though, The earth of gravity
Shall not affect my heart beating
If, i wish you ... every time
You will reach me that i knew
I shall not accept
Others love stories are so romantic like
Our love on this earth .....

My darling .....
I might be so far away from you
But , you should know that
My soul of love is near to you
I am watching your every single movement
My thoughts drift by the wind
And you will see as the clouds near to you
Every single smile of you that
I wanted to record in my old golden diary
So, i sent to you the little singing birds
As my messenger .... near to you

Every single cry of you that
I wanted to record in my old golden diary
So, i sent to you the little singing birds
As my messenger ....near to you

They will tell me about you ....later
So, I can write love poems for you
My records of our love will be never end
The angle of music ....
The angle of welcoming the days
Till ... i will write for our Love's records
I am missing you so much that ...
I am feeling you so much that ...
I am yearning you so much that ...
As a legend of our love ...
In this world ....
My darling sweet heart

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008

Monday 20 October 2008

Darling ..... My heart is made by flowers =)

Darling ... My heart is made by the flowers


My darling sweet heart
My heart is made by the flowers
For you ...
You can touch ,
Do not destory it ...
You can smell ,
Do not ignore it ...
You can watch ,
Do not pretend ...
You can Love ,
Do not forget it ...
My heart will make you
In happiness in bliss
Even , when I die ...
As the dried flowers
Forever for you
Near your pillow <3

Compose by Michaelko copyright ©2008